Sunday 14 October 2012

This week at the Rescue

This week I got the chance to meet two other regular volunteers, the husband and wife team of Bob and Lorraine. It was lovely to put faces to the names I see so often. We split the To Do list, and I got:

Clean Evan's stall. He was feeling a bit friendlier this week, and walked around in the stall a little bit while I was there. He was intrigued by the smell of fresh shavings, and even came as close as a foot and a half away to try to smell my hand.

Evan - it was too early for his supper, so there was nothing to distract him this week.

Wound and skin care for Bingo. Bingo was not quite as patient as Darcy was last week, but he took it well enough. He's very, very friendly, to the point that he will nuzzle and search for treats, which is just on the edge of getting to be TOO friendly. When Nic's horses started to do this, they were cut off from all treats, so I would not be surprised to see Bingo's name on the "no treat" list as well.

Bingo looking sweet.  You can see Bob and Lorraine talking to Nic in the background, along with some of the resident dogs and one rescued dog.

The wet spots on his coat are where I sprayed him with a medicated spray.

The rescue was a hopping place this week - there was a lot going on while I was there, including building a new pen, a few other people showing up, and a photographer stopping by to (hopefully) take some photos for the upcoming calendar.

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