Tuesday 2 October 2012

This morning....

... we woke up to this terrible mess in the yard.  This weird, white substance was everywhere!  It stuck to everything - Zim even brought some of this foul stuff back into the house with him!  Walking outside became a sticky, slippery, treacherous task, and the floor became magically wet when we returned indoors.

You guessed it...

Snow :(

(I'll be back tonight with a full post.)


  1. Yikes you live in the mountains don't you:) B

    1. Good guess Buttons! Yup, central BC (though they call it "Northern BC" because, you know, the only important city here is Vancouver, anything outside of that is clearly too far North to think about....). It didn't stick, of course, and it's supposed to be sunny for the next week; thank goodness, I still have a bit to get done outside before winter properly settles in.
