Thursday 25 October 2012

Fall at Lone Pine Farm

We are now well in to fall; I can't deny it any longer.  The leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees, the sun is feeling weaker, and we are expecting that the highest temperature next week will be around +5 C.
The chicken coops and a grain building

Our silver poplar
As the weather gets cooler, I start thinking about soup more often.  I made another big pot of Butternut Squash and Sausage Soup, and this time I tossed in half a green pepper we had in the fridge.  It was tasty :)

With a cheese breadstick from the store

Mmmmm sausage and green peppers
Our neighbour has three Black Angus cows, who will likely be going for slaughter soon.  Zim doesn't usually notice them, but this past Wednesday, they came right up to this side of their field, and Zim went NUTS.  I had to stop him from crawling under the fence twice!  There's a field between the road and the cows, and the cow field is kind of hilly, so often they are out of sight, or can't be seen from Zim's eye level.

"What are those?!??"
One night last week, Jordan was outside with Zim and I heard a quiet "pop" then small, hard objects hitting the logs on the side of the house.  Jordan came in and said that the lightbulb we had outside exploded.  Luckily, he wasn't standing near it at the time!  So last weekend, we picked up two motion sensor lights.  We ran in to some problems trying to install this one, so I talked to my friend and coworker (who is also an electrician), and she gave me some very helpful hints for installing it.  So Wednesday, I put it up :)

Shedding some light on the situation
The furnace/fireplace is coming on more and more often, and the heavy cast iron top holds the heat for a good while after it's turned off.  The cats have taken to hanging out on top of the fireplace, where they enjoy the residual heat.

Even the cats know it's fall; they're spending more time on the fireplace
This past weekend, Jordan and I worked together to install a soffit to increase the air flow in the roof to try and prevent ice dams from forming this winter.  Between the existing soffits, this new one, and the vents Dad and I installed, we're hoping we won't run in to any problems.

Zim and Doodle were also on an extended, 5-day playdate last weekend, and I'll have some photos in the next post.


  1. Now you are an electrician I am so impressed.
    Love the cats on the stove.
    I really would like a bowl of that soup right now:0 Take care hugs B

    1. Thanks Buttons!! The soup is fairly easy to make - the hardest part is skinning the cooked squash and putting it through the food processor. An immersion (stick) blender would make the job much easier! Take care of yourself, Miss B :)
