Sunday 14 October 2012

Bits and bobs from our week

Things are slowing down here on the farm, with the cold, rainy weather moving in.  I had an evening meeting in town this week, which made the week a bit busier than normal.  Here's a peek at what we've been up to:

I've been on a bit of a dishcloth kick lately - I've made three of these in the past week.  Jordan used one yesterday, and said "It works like a dishcloth."  Success!! :)

Zim wanted to help too, so he held down my cotton so it wouldn't roll away.  (Not that it would anyway, as I am pulling from the middle, but.... whatever makes pooch happy!)

The delicious chicken pot pie from last Monday.

The cats love to sit on the top of our "furnace", a propane fireplace.  Here, Anomander is keeping his little toes warm.

Our barn at dawn.


  1. I love your barn in the morning.
    Zim is so darn cute, and Anomander sure is clever.
    I love chicken pot pie that looks delicious. Nice dish cloths a shame to get them dirty:)
    Take care Mandi. hugs B

    1. Thank you Miss Buttons!! The barn is very, very photogenic, much more so than I am. And the cotton comes from a stash of my late Grandma's yarn, wool and cotton that was divvied up in the weeks after she passed - she was the main knitter in our family. My other Gram (who is equally crafty - I have a few items around the house that she's made over the years, including a crocheted afghan and a 'quillow') knitted (knit?) us a dishcloth for Christmas last year or the year before, and we are terribly hard on dishcloths, so while it is still functional, it is a bit holey-er than most knitted dishcloths. It was also a non-traditional shape (a six or eight pointed star, I think) and because I crochet much, much better than I knit, I was lucky to find a great pattern for these wonderful little dishcloths. It makes me feel close to both of them to carry on their supplies and skills to continue to provide us with items that are both useful and pretty.

