Saturday 15 December 2012

This week at the Rescue

This week, I had a nice, busy afternoon at the Rescue.

I started off with mixing the evening rations for Darcy and Fin.

Then I got to hang out with Hamilton for a bit, and feed him treats.  He continues to make progress: he let me touch his cheek without losing his mind!

Hamilton scoping out a treat

After chilling with Hamilton, I headed out to trim Jack's bridle path (which involves trimming a small section of his mane to allow the halter or bridle to fit properly).  When I finished Jack, I led Delta out for a tail wash and braid, and mane detangle, and a new bridle path for her as well.

Delta, who is one of the bigger horses at the Rescue.

Then I got to bring Shaw out for a quick groom and some treats :)

Looking handsome!


  1. Wow, I like the percheron!

    1. She's great, and she's broke for both riding and driving. If Nicola hadn't kept her, I would have taken her!

  2. Oh Mandi they are so beautiful I can see why you love working there. Merry Christmas and I do hope the snow does not keep you from spending the holidays with family. Have a nice relaxing time. It sounds beautiful all that snow I wish I could be there taking photos. HUGS B
