Wednesday 5 December 2012

This week at the Rescue

This week was all play and no work!  Nicola and I went for a nice ride through the bush, where I actually trusted Delta to not buck me at the slightest provocation (not that she has the gusto to toss someone anyway - she's pretty chill, and is a verrrrry slow walker).  Thus, I actually gave her rein to move, and did my best to steer her so she couldn't scrape me off on a tree (though she tried twice anyway).  I even got her to trot a few steps without me falling off!  Ha!  That's progress, friends :)

Anyhoo, as promised, daylight pictures:
Darcy.  Isn't he in much better shape?!!  What a fine looking fellow :)

Finigan, who must be part Arctic Hare - he's got a white undercoat and a brown topcoat.

Darc and Fin

Gracie, who can smell treats from 200 paces

Two of the llamas: Bailey on the left and Sarah on the right.

Amy, who continues to make amazing progress.  She let me hold her halter twice, and pet her neck once.  Fabulous girl :)  Nicola has been working with her twice a day, and she gets socialization with us volunteers too.

John Boy, still feeling sorry for himself after being gelded a few weeks ago.

This guy has the coolest eyes I've ever seen....

... his left eye is both brown and blue!  It's split pretty much perfectly down the middle... awesome :)


  1. Finigan looks like a rock star!

    1. Haha! Now that you mention it, he totally does :) It fits his personality too - he has a ton of energy, despite being in the latter half of his twenties.

  2. Wow, that is an amazing eye on John Boy!

    1. It's almost creepy to look at... it makes my eyes water! But he's fine with it, of course :)
