Friday 7 September 2012

Look, it's Pictures!

I told you, pictures were coming. Enjoy the pictures. I SAID ENJOY!!
Me at work
The delapitated mostly red pole shed
The angriest wife


  1. Hi Mandy I forgot this post to comment on I just wanted to say thank you for listening to me so much and leaving those thoughtful comments that have always made me smile.I am betting your husband took the photo of I assuming you.You are so young to be so wise. I have the same happy face when my husband takes mine:)

    My real name is Grace just in case you want to know. Thank you Mandy I am so happy you are living your dream. B

    It is so nice to meet you.

  2. Hi Buttons, thanks! Yes, that is me, and he gets the same face every time he tries to take a picture :) I'll have to post a better picture, usually I don't look so unimpressed! I have often wondered "I'm sure Buttons has a real name.... I wonder what it is?" but this is the internet, I know a few different people who use pseudonyms so I understand :) Grace is a beautiful name! I am glad we met on your blog, thank you again for sharing your stories with us so we can chuckle along with your stories of your train trip or your sweet, goofy cows. Take care, friend :)
